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Positive Thinking is Powerful Thinking
Code of Conduct for Coaches,Volunteers and Officials
Be punctual to all your training classes and competition.
Ensure you put equipment you use back to keep the gym safe and tidy.
If you are unsure about a gymnastics element, ask higher level coach.
Follow and keep up to date with BG and WGC guidelines, policies, code of conducts.
Gymnasts should only participate at a level at which is safe for them to do so
I understand that planning and preparation will assist in the longer-term development of the gymnast
I understand appropriate physical preparation should be part of the gymnasts training programme
An appropriate work ethic and attitude should be developed. This will help the gymnast to
Foster a positive attitude to training and participation
The coach should stay within the boundaries of their qualification. Unless under the supervision of a higher level coach.
Long hair must always be tied back to avoid accidents and encourage a tidy appearance
Always report any accidents, referrals or disclosure immediately, following the appropriate guidelines set by British Gymnastics Child Protection.
Ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and mentally when learning new skills.
Prior to transporting a participant anywhere obtain an agreement from the parent/guardian.